Well, today Collin had to do something he had never done before, and that way get his teeth pulled out! Ouch! He hadn't lost his two front baby teeth (upper) and weirdly enough, he had an extra set that grew in before his permanent teeth, so needless to say, after several x-rays later, and two doctors opinions, we had to get his teeth removed today, so that would allow room for his permanent teeth to drop down into place.
Unfortunately, the extra set of teeth were too far up for the dentist to remove them today, so Collin has to come back in 3 weeks to try it again!
He did pretty well, amazingly! I was proud of him. I did find it a little funny how puffy his upper gums/lip got after he got the numbing medicine...:)
What is up with these kids?! Between the two of them they will have enought pulled teeth to fill a mouth up!
So glad Collin did well. Maddie told me that she hoped Collin got the gas, that the gas was the best thing. hee hee. Give him a hug for us! It's a pretty big deal for a little kid to go through that!
He looks soooo good with no teeth, heehee!! Poor little man. At this rate, Logan will probably have to have teeth work, considering so far the first borns of the motsinger clan have had too!
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