Well, since today was Darin's "special" day, we all dressed up for church. Usually I don't make the boys dress up unless it's Christmas, Easter or a wedding...but it was my excuse to put Austin in his suit that has been hanging in his closet since Christmas! He so reminded me of Collin at this age. He was so darn cute...
Darin is such a great father. He loves his sons so very much. I am proud to have him as the father of my children. (I know, sappy, huh?) But, I can't help it. So, since all of my boys were dressed up, I got a super cute picture of them before we headed to church!
After church, Collin ran outside to grab his skateboard. He was so cute! All of a sudden he really wants to learn how to skateboard...luckily I had my camera with me and got a cute picture of him in the church parking lot trying to figure it all out. It's much harder than he thought...
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